Complete Sterile Set for complex operations, such as serious rehabilitation, osteodistraction and maxillofacial operations; it contains everything needed to prepare an operating room for serious operations, surface drapes with adhesive areas, breathable Softesse® patient drape with adhesive opening, handpiece sheaths, adhesive film sheets for keypads, special drape in medical grade PVC for physiodispensers, patient disinfection kit, Mayo cover, 2 Softesse® gowns with 2 sterile hand towels.The set is wrapped in a convenient enveloping absorbent/waterproof drape 160x190 cm and packed in a Tyvek® bag. Each kit consists of: 2 Expo gowns (size L) with surgical fold and 2 hand towels wrapped in medical grade paper, in light blue Softesse
1 Aerated cap in light blue NWF
2 Absorbent/Waterproof drapes 75x90 cm with adhesive side*, in light blue NWF+polyethylene
1 Mayo cover 80x120 cm, in light blue TNT+PVC
1 Transparent PVC drape 40x50 cm with adhesive side*
2 Omnisleeve sheaths 240x7 cm, in transparent PVC
1 ASP51/F surgical aspirator in transparent PVC
2 Adhesive film sheets 20x20 cm 2Cross20, in light blue PVC
1 Sponge with handle for patient disinfection, in blue PVC
1 Basin 250 ml, in blue PVC
1 Water-repellent drape 133x200 cm with off-centre adhesive opening* 6x9 cm and cable hole, in light blue Softesse
5 Round swabs Ø 3 cm, in white cotton
1 Bag for contaminated material, in red PVC.