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Privacy Notice for Job Applications

Pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the applicable laws, we wish to provide you with the following information concerning the processing and protection of your personal data.


All personal data sent or provided in writing without any prompting from the Data Controller are used to process your application for employment, more precisely to verify the prerequisites for recruitment and/or in order to establish a work relationship. 


Your personal data will be processed according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your privacy and your rights. Any processing will be carried out with the help of computer systems and paper supports by specially trained personnel. 

Communication to Recipient Categories

Any communication to third parties is only envisaged for carrying out the selection and assessment activities related to establishing a work relationship. The data collected will not be disseminated. 

Retention time

Personal data will be retained for 3 years from the first filing.

Rights of the Data Subject

You have the right to ask the data controller for access to your personal data and for their amendment. You can always request full details of the processing and of your rights by writing to the contacts provided by the Data Controller and indicated at the beginning of this privacy notice 

Right to Complain

Should you believe that the processing regarding you violates the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, with offices in Piazza di Monte Citorio no 121, IT-00186, Rome

Nature of Data Providing and Consent

The provision of personal data is left to the will of the applicant who submits his/her curriculum vitae. Data subsequently and possibly requested by the Data Controller are functional to assessing the suitability for recruitment and/or in order to begin the collaboration and are conferred on a voluntary basis.

The content of this website is intended exclusively for an audience of medical, dental, and pharmaceutical specialists.

By accessing this website, the user declares under their own responsibility to be a professional in the medical, dental, or pharmaceutical field and to have read and understood the terms and conditions of use.